
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Welcome to Cullowhee, Randy Eaton

Courtesy WCU Athletics
Randy Eaton, the just appointed Athletic Director for Western Carolina University, told the Asheville Citizen-Times that he started "formulating a list of prospective head football coaches for Western shortly after a search firm contacted him about the job."

“I had a list of about eight or nine names,” Eaton said, "It’s really amazing because (out of) the people down here that I will listen to, that are going to have my ear,” Eaton continued, “there are four or five (candidates) who keep coming up who are part of my list.”

I love the confidence he projects, and planning ahead for a job he had not been offered.   I think he can take athletics at WCU to a new level. If he's successful in hiring a football coach that can turn around the win/loss record of WCU football, it might be hard for the university to hold on to him.  So, he has lots riding on this hire, “It’s my decision,” Eaton said. “Chancellor Belcher has made that perfectly clear.”  There will be no place to hide if his new coach can not right this ship, that we call WCU football.

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