
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

SoCon Football Teleconference

Comments from Head Coach Mark Speir.

"I thought our players played hard for the most part. We got kind of worn down late in the third and early in the fourth quarters. But I thought our kids battled and played hard. We've just got to each week get better," said Coach Speir about the Marshall game.

"We've got a huge opponent coming up this weekend, opening up SoCon play against Wofford. I think a lot of Coach (Mike) Ayers and his staff there. They've got a lot of respect from our coaches and our players. They do a great job with coaching and their players do a great job with executing their scheme and playing hard. We've just got to get better and prepare ourselves for a big-time ball game."

"They're just an old-school, physical football team," said Speir. "They do a lot offensively as far as motion and giving you a lot of formations. Their (coaching) staff has been together a long time and they can keep working those formations and motions until they find something they feel like is an advantage for them. Our defense has to be sound and disciplined and we have to tackle extremely well."

"We've just got to make plays. At Marshall, we had some opportunities to make plays. We had too many dropped balls, too many penalties where we kind of self-destructed on offense. We cannot do that (Saturday) because Wofford is going to control the clock and not give you a whole lot of opportunities. When you do have opportunities, we've got to capitalize," Speir said.

Comments from Coach Speir

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