
Friday, September 30, 2011

From Catamount Athletic Director Chip Smith

Our Team, Our House!

Three of the next four games for Catamount Football will be played at home...

We will face quality conference opponents on Bob Waters Field...

Home field is an advantage, but we, THE FANS, have to make it so!

WCU student-athletes put on the Purple & Gold every weekend to represent our University on the playing fields with nowhere to hide and where performance - not excuses - is the standard. This itself is a challenge many would not, and do not, accept.

Catamount student-athletes work very hard at their sport, in the classroom, on campus and in the community to bring recognition to WCU. They deserve our support if, for nothing else, out of respect for the work and commitment they make towards winning championships, which make all of us proud.

In respect for the effort and commitment the seniors and the young men who have dedicated themselves to WCU, I challenge every fan, every student, every one of us to remain in the stands through the fourth quarter of every game in Cullowhee.

Be that home field advantage!

Show your support by your presence and your noise!

Our team, Our house!

Go Catamounts!

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